Eye Surgery
Eye Surgery also referred to as Blepharoplasty is for the treatment of bags under the eyes, wrinkled drooping layers of skin on the eyelids. Eyelid surgery can brighten the face and restore a more youthful appearance by removing loose skin or fat from the upper and/or lower lids. Eyelid surgery can also be performed along with a face lift or other cosmetic procedures. Eyelid surgery usually leaves scars that almost invisible to see. Most patients are back to their normal routines within a few days, although complete recovery may take several weeks. Swelling and bruising, and minimal discomfort are part of the recovery process, and usually can be alleviated with cold compresses and appropiate medication.
Face Lift
During a facelift, the skin and muscles are tightened to improve the appearance of the cheeks, jowls and neck. These improvements are achieved by first placing inconspicuous incisions around the ear and hairline. The skin and facial muscles are then lifted and tightened to restore the natural contours that contribute to a more youthful appearance. If the neck needs tightening a small incision may also be made under the chin. While every case may vary, typically a facelift can last 10 years. Smoking must be stopped prior and after surgery until the face has healed or the results can be compromised with poor healing that can lead to excess scarring.
Phibrow Semipermanent Eyeborows Tattooing
Eyebrow microblading is known by several names, including microstroking, micropigmentation, eyebrow embroidery, eyebrow feathering, and 3D eyebrows. Although the names differ, the procedure is the same. Microblading fills in sparse areas of your natural brow, which is done by using a very fine blade to deposit pigments into the dermal layer of the skin. The result is a natural, real life looking hair stroke.
Eye Surgery
Eye Surgery also referred to as Blepharoplasty is for the treatment of bags under the eyes, wrinkled drooping layers of skin on the eyelids. Eyelid surgery can brighten the face and restore a more youthful appearance by removing loose skin or fat from the upper and/or lower lids. Eyelid surgery can also be performed along with a face lift or other cosmetic procedures. Eyelid surgery usually leaves scars that almost invisible to see. Most patients are back to their normal routines within a few days, although complete recovery may take several weeks. Swelling and bruising, and minimal discomfort are parts of the recovery process, and usually can be alleviated with cold compresses and appropriate medication.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I consider Blepharoplasty?
Many people who choose Blepharoplasty want a subtle smoothing effect around their eyes. The rejuvenating effect of Blepharoplasty is long lasting and can give you a more youthful appearance. When considering Blepharoplasty, ask yourself these questions: Do I appear tired? Is the skin on my upper eyelid overhanging the normal lid crease and nearing the eyelashes? Are there bulges and bags surrounding my eyes? Do my eyes appear smaller than they did in the past?
Is Blepharoplasty painful?
Although Blepharoplasty is associated with minimal discomfort and a short recovery period, most patients will experience some swelling and bruising for at least a few days to a week after the procedure.
Am I a good candidate for Blepharoplasty?
Good Blepharoplasty candidates include both healthy men and women who have realistic expectations. After your examination, Dr. Wolf will explain how eyelid surgery can help you achieve the look you desire. He will also explain the risks. Together you will decide which procedure is right for you and you will be on your way to a more rested and youthful appearance.
If you’re concerned about the appearance of your eyes and wish to have a smoother, more youthful look, we invite you to consider Blepharoplasty.
Schedule your Cosmetic Blepharoplasty consultation today.
Face Lift
FaceLift — Looking younger again!
As we age, wrinkles and skin creases form and become pronounced in certain areas. Over time, this and the natural effects of gravity may result in a tired look. For many people, prolonged exposure to the sun, stress and harsh weather elements can make them appear older than their actual age. Designed to reduce the signs of aging and rejuvenate your natural beauty, a facelift can turn back the clock by reshaping or contouring the facial skin. The goal of a facelift is to lift and tighten the sagging skin and muscles of your face and neck. Although it cannot stop the aging process, it can give you a younger, more vital appearance. Facelifts are often done in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures, such as blepharoplasty, eye lift, laser and BOTOX® treatments.
How is a Facelift Performed?
During a facelift, the skin and muscles are tightened to improve the appearance of the eyes, cheeks, jaw, and neck. These improvements are achieved by first placing inconspicuous incisions around the ear and hairline. The skin and facial muscles are then lifted and tightened to restore the natural contours that contribute to a more youthful appearance. Excess skin can be removed around the incision lines as needed to help smooth out your facial skin. If the neck needs tightening, a small incision may also be made under the chin, and excess fat may be removed. The incisions typically heal as inconspicuous, hairline scars. A facelift is most frequently performed using general anesthesia.
Is a Facelift Right for Me?
The decision to have a facelift is an important one that requires researching the facts and identifying your personal beauty goals. Dr. Wolf can help you visualize your results, but only you can decide if the procedure is right for you. Women and men choose to have a facelift for a variety of resons, but the majority of facelift patients say they want to minimize the signs of aging.
With a procedure tailored specifically for you, a facelift can reduce and eliminate wrinkles and sagging skin for a refreshed look. Discover the amazing benefits of a facelift! Call today for more information.
Who is the best candidate for a facelift?
If you feel as if your skin is starting to sag around the jowls and forehead, and you appear tired and are searching for a way to rejuvenate your appearance, you may be the perfect candidate for a facelift. Full facelifts are generally for more mature patients, however, an increasing number of younger men and women are seeking mid and lower facelifts.
How long is the recovery period?
A facelift may result in some swelling and bruising, most of which will diminish within two weeks. Some discomfort may be expected during the first 48 hours, but significant pain is uncommon. Most patients feel comfortable going out in public within a few weeks.
When will I be able to see the results?
You will notice the tightening in your facial skin and muscle structure as soon as your swelling subsides. Your facelift will lend alertness and vitality to your appearance. Although a facelift cannot stop the aging process, it can effectively “set back the clock” and give you a renewed sense of confidence.
How long does a facelift last?
Every case varies, but typically a facelift can last 10 years.
The end result is a smoother, more youthful appearance. And because a facelift addresses the underlying structure of the face, the results are normally, long lasting and natural looking.
Phibrow Semipermanent Eyeborows Tattooing
Eyebrow microblading is known by several names, including microstroking, micropigmentation, eyebrow embroidery, eyebrow feathering, and 3D eyebrows. Although the names differ, the procedure is the same. Microblading fills in sparse areas of your natural brow, which is done by using a very fine blade to deposit pigments into the dermal layer of the skin. The result is a natural, real life looking hair stroke.
- No Botox treatments should be done 3 weeks prior or 4 weeks after procedure
- No chemical peels 60 days before or after procedure (brows will peel quicker due to chemicals traveling under the skin)
- No Retinols/Retin-A or other anti-aging/acne creams, or serums containing acids as these will fade brows prematurely
- Do not work out or sweat heavily the day of the procedure (Or 2 weeks after)
- Do not tan or have a sunburned face the day of the procedure
- Do not take aspirin, niacin, vitamin E, or ibuprofen 48 hours before procedure
- No waxing or tinting 3 days before procedure
- No alcohol or caffeine 24 hrs before procedure
- Sick with cold, flu, or sinus/respiratory infection (please reschedule your appointment and stay home to recover)
- Skin irritations including: sunburn, rash, eczema, shingles, acne, or psoriasis near the treated area
- Pregnant or nursing
- Under age 18
- Skin irritations (sunburn, rash, eczema, shingles, acne) or psoriasis near the treated area
- Had Botox within 3 weeks from scheduled appointment
- Used Accutane in the past year
- Diabetes ( not controlled )
- Epilepsy
- Undergoing chemo
- Prone to keloid scarring
- Pacemaker or major heart problems
- Had an organ transplant
- Viral infections and or diseases
- Transmittable blood disease, HIV or Hepatitis
Does microblading fade?
Microblading tends to fade gradually over time, so a touch up is recommended 12-18 months after the initial microblading which keeps the color of each microstroke looking vibrant. It’s important to know, even though the color gradually gets lighter, it will not fade into shades of blue or pink like the fading that occurs with permanent cosmetics.
How long does microblading last?
The healed results of microblading last between one and three years. The variation in time is determined by lifestyle, sun exposure and skin type. Someone with an oilier skin type tends to experience results that fade quicker compared to someone with a drier skin type.
How long does microblading take?
The average microblading appointment lasts two hours. Nothing is ever rushed during your microblading appointment because the results are a semi-permanent eyebrow tattoo that stays on your face for an extended period of time. We insist on being thorough and taking the time to provide the most beautiful, natural looking brows possible.
Does eyebrow microblading hurt?
Keeping in mind that pain is subjective; most clients say they experience no discomfort during microblading. Any pain that was experienced has been compared to the feeling of a light scratch with minimal discomfort. We use a specialized technique to apply a topical anesthetic to provide a comfortable microblading experience. Some clients have even been able to take a nap while undergoing their eyebrow transformation.
What is the aftercare for microblading eyebrows?
The aftercare is not complicated, but it does require some diligence to provide the best possible microblading results. Microblading aftercare includes frequently applying a specialized cream in the early stages of healing and making sure absolutely nothing else comes in contact with the eyebrow area. Activities involving sun exposure, water, and even exercise to prevent perspiration, need to be avoided. It is imperative to follow the aftercare instructions to get the best possible healed results. Please refer to the aftercare page for additional information.
What is the microblading healing process?
The color will appear darker through the first week or so. This is because the pigment takes around seven days to enter the deeper layers of the skin. After seven to ten days, exfoliation takes place. The top layer of the skin peels off, leaving a softer, lighter color below. The result leaves you with softer and more natural lines. As the treated area continues to heal, itching may occur. Itching is a good sign as it means the skin is healing. The complete healing process for microbladed eyebrows typically takes six weeks and then a touch up appointment follows. The touch up appointment is scheduled during the initial microblading appointment for six to ten weeks later.
Microblading Healing Timeline
Day 1:
- Eyebrows look amazing immediately after microblading appointment
- Pigment gradually gets darker throughout the day
Week 1:
- Pigment reaches darkest level on day two
- Light scabbing develops where microblading strokes occurred
Week 2:
- Scabbing from microblading strokes begin to peel and flake off, sometimes revealing no definite, visible color in skin
Week 3-4:
- Pigment in skin continues to oxidize and microbladed strokes begin to reappear in color intended from the beginning, but some strokes come back looking patchy
Week 6:
- Eyebrows fully healed and ready to undergo the finishing effects of touch-up appointment
- Beautiful eyebrow enhancement/transformation is complete after final touch-up
Neck Lift
Take years off with a neck lift procedure…
Did you ever imagine that your neck would be such a dead giveaway to your real age, or even make you look older than you really are? For many men and women, signs of aging surface through wrinkling around the eyes or unwanted fat deposits in the tummy and thighs. For others, aging may take its toll with loss of skin laxity, fat deposits and wrinkling around the neck. For these individuals, a neck lift may be the key to a rejuvenated appearance. A neck lift surgery using the latest cosmetic technology can create a leaner, more radiant appearance. A neck lift can make you look younger, restore contour to your jawline, and revitalize your total image.
A neck lift may be used to correct:
– Sagging skin at the jawline
– Double chin
– Loosened neck muscle
– Fat deposit under the chin
– Visible vertical bands in the neck
– Poor skin elasticity
If you are looking for a successful solution to the inevitable effects of aging, a neck lift offers a unique opportunity to create a subtle or dramatic change.
With state-of-the-art neck lift techniques, Dr. Wolf can slim and tighten loose skin to create a youthful contour. No longer will you be self-conscious about your profile, afraid to wear flattering necklines, or worried about showing “turkey-neck.” A neck lift can create a cleaner, more radiant facial appearance and improve your confidence level. Whether you want to make a great first impression or just look as young as you feel, a neck lift may be right for you. Revitalize your total image and restore your jawline with a modern neck lift procedure.
Your neck lift consultation
If you are interested in learning more about the neck lift, your fist step is to schedule a personal, no-obligation consultation. During your initial consultation, Dr. Wolf will discuss your appearance goals and explain all benefits and risks of this treatment. You may want to combine procedures such as a face lift, or eyelid lift for a more dramatic facial enhancement and to lessen recovery time commitments. You will have the opportunity to view before and after photos, ask questions, and describe your ideal cosmetic goal. You will also discuss the various neck lift techniques, anesthesia options, and incisions sites.
The neck lift procedure
On the day of your neck lift, you can expect the procedure to last about two or three hours, perhaps longer if you are combining procedures. You will be given the appropriate anesthesia to ensure a comfortable experience.
Generally, the skin is gently pulled up and any excess skin is removed, and the incisions are hidden behind your ears or in other discreet sites.
Recovery time for a neck lift is generally around 10 – 14 days. A bandage secured with elastic wrap helps the area heal correctly. A moderate degree of swelling and localized bruising will gradually subside over the next few days and can be minimized with make-up. Sutures are removed in about a week, and many patients are back to work within seven days.
Your Neck Lift Results
In the months following your neck lift, you can expect gradual improvement in your appearance. You will notice a more toned and tightened neck as the healing process continues. Within a few months, your neck area will be fully healed and looking younger and healthier. Many neck lift patients report hearing the phrase “have you lost weight?” often after their procedure.
If you are interested in improving your appearance with our state-of-the-art neck lift procedure, call us today for your personal consultation.